Obviously I will release a full set of archetypes in the future, but that's still a little way off.
Skally Finback
Abilities: Strength +1, Agility +1
Skills: Brawl +1, Stealth +1, Survival +1, Swim +2
Speed: 30; Resilience: 4; Capacity: 4; Leadership: 4
Flaws: Foible (Cautious), Greedy (Minor), Lusty (Major: Power hungry)
Feats: Amphiblin (cannot drown; swims at walking speed), Iron Nails, Savant (Brawl/Swim)
Gear: Throwing knives (Range 10 feet; –1 damage)
Special Abilities
• Darkvision: Ignore all darkness penalties (60 feet).
• Short: You are around 3½ feet tall; –1 Resilience.
• Goblinoid: –2 Diplomacy when dealing with humans.
• Claws: +0 damage.
Izzy Toecutter
Abilities: Agility +1, Instincts +1, Combat +1
Skills: Stealth +2, Survival +2
Speed: 30; Resilience: 5 (4+1); Capacity: 3; Leadership: 4
Flaws: Blood Oath (Minor), Foible (Collects toes), Snobgoblin
Feats: Fast Reflexes (rolling a double for initiative gives you an extra
action die for the round), Skill Focus (Survival/Stealth), Scrapper
Gear: Shank (+0 damage), battle bracer, shortbow (Range 60 feet; +0 damage), crude armor (+1), pouch of human toes
Special Abilities
• Darkvision: Ignore all darkness penalties (range 60 feet).
• Short: You are nearly 4 feet tall; –1 Resilience.
• Goblinoid: –2 Diplomacy when dealing with humans.
Maeson Crispyface
Abilities: Strength –1, Agility +1, Cunning +2, Magic +1
Skills: Diplomacy –1, Invocation +1, Perception +1, Stealth +1, Survival +1
Speed: 30; Resilience: 5 (4+1); Capacity: 2; Leadership: 4
Flaws: Obsession (Pyromaniac), Foible (Minor: Frequently picks his nose), Hideous (Minor: Facial burns)
Feats: Skill Focus (Invocation), Sorcerer (Flame), Elementalist
Gear: Knife (–1 damage), crude armor (+1), sack of chargrilled troll steaks
Special Abilities
• Spell Techniques: Destruction, Blessing, Glamor.
• Darkvision: Ignore all darkness penalties (range 60 feet).
• Short: You are slightly over 3 feet tall; –1 Resilience.
• Goblinoid: –2 Diplomacy when dealing with humans.
Goblin Gang Members
Abilities: Agility +1
Skills: Stealth +1, Survival +1
Speed: 30; Resilience: 4; Capacity: 3
Gear: Spear (+0 damage; Reach)
Special Abilities
• Darkvision: Ignore all darkness penalties (range 60 feet).
• Short: Goblins stand three to four feet tall; –1 Resilience.
• Goblinoid: –2 Diplomacy when dealing with humans.
I've currently chosen to keep a similar statblock style as Savage Worlds, so that I don't have to completely overhaul the document layout when I create the Swift d12 version of the setting.
Swift d12 has six primary abilities, and for Saga of the Goblin Horde these abilities are Strength, Agility, Endurance, Cunning, Instincts and Dominance (they'll likely be renamed for other settings). An average person has +0 across the board, and starting PCs have a total of +2 split among their primary abilities. I only list abilities that aren't +0.
There are also two secondary abilities, Combat and Magic, which are increased by the Scrapper and Sorcerer Feats respectively. Scrapper, Sorcerer and Savant are the three Class Feats; PCs start with one Class Feat, and gain another Class Feat every 4 levels (Class Feats can also be taken multiple times).
Each ability has four skills, and these are added to the associated ability when making an ability check. For example, if you have Dominance +1 and Diplomacy +2, and needed to make a Diplomacy check, you would roll d12+3 and require 7+ (called "Lucky 7", because I like memory hooks) to succeed.
There are four ways to get skill points. The first is from your race, the second is by taking Handicap Flaws, the third is with the Skill Focus Feat, and the fourth is with the Savant Feat. Savants are the "skill monkeys", and tend to excel in their areas of expertise.
Usually you can only have a maximum bonus of +2 for a primary skill and +1 for a secondary skill, however Savants can have twice that amount in their specialties.
Derived Traits
There are four derived traits: Speed (how many feet you can move per round), Resilience (how difficult you are to injure), Capacity (how many significant items of encumbrance you can carry without penalty) and Leadership (how many gang members you have).
Each character starts with two Major, four Minor, or one Major and two Minor Flaws. Flaws are categorized as either Handicaps (they give a mechanical drawback) or Quirks (purely roleplayed). Handicaps grant a +1 or +2 bonus to a skill of your choice.
Each character starts with one Class Feat and two other Feats of their choice. Feats are divided into categories: Class Feats (Scrapper, Sorcerer and Savant), Combat Feats (only available to Scrappers), Magic Feats (only available to Sorcerers), Expert Feats (only available to Savants), Legacy Feats (only available during character creation) and Common Feats (available to everyone).
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